Sunday, August 22, 2010

School has started.yay?

So classes at my college started last Monday. I have a pretty full load but I'm kind of glad about it. The sooner I complete them the sooner I will graduate. I am thinking of joining a club just so I can say that I did at least one social thing in my college career.

So fashion wise, I did alright last week, I was broke, so no money for back to school clothes but I managed to look decent with the things I had. I recently did some online shopping so I'm going to do some hauls via youtube and All The Above. I'm really excited, as it will be my first haul. I'm also thinking of having a contest. I already have three possible prizes.

Health wise I am doing better with my diet. I have learned to take baby steps and I'm slowly weening myself of junk food. Since it is so hot I drink a lot of water which I usually have a hard time doing in my cool house. I take the stairs more times than not and because the parking is so bad I park very far away from my classes so I'm doing a lot of walking. I pack my own lunch and so far so good. I have yet to see any results but its only been a week. I have to make a new schedule to work in my workouts seeing as I have a lot of homework. I will keep you guys posted.

So since my schedule is so hectic that means less computer time but I want to keep my blog and youtube updated. I am going to try to do a blog entry and video every Wednesday. We'll see how it goes.

Thanks for all your support and feedback.

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