Wednesday, July 14, 2010

My Favorite Handbag

So back in Feburay my birthday had just passed and Valentine's Day was coming up for the sheer purpose to annoy me. Being single and now an adult I have chosen to look at the day in a whole new light. So I was thinking of things I could do to make it a day about me and not a day that may depress me. After watching a youtube video I entered a contest sponsored by and given by dulcecandy87. I did not win, Ifat Pecker did, (lol at the bogus name). Though I did not win I was happy to have found the site. Then a brilliant idea came to me, “Buy yourself a nice bag for Valentines day.” I did. I purchased the Betty Davis Faux Croc Bag from Baghaus. I received it a little after Valentine's Day and Six months later, it is still my favorite purse. I have gotten so many compliments on this bag. One of my classmates I don’t particularly care for and I get the vibe feelings are mutual; stopped me in the hall and we chatted over my hot bag. This bag is MAGIC. Lol But seriously I will be buying from Baghaus in the very near future. They have a great, highly fashionable product and for the moment, and past six months this bag has been my very ,very favorite of all my bags.

MY bag


  1. I love Dulcecandy! :) hehe I think the pink bag is adorable!

  2. =] me too! me too, but I never seem to wear pink so I couldn't justify buying a pink purse lol.
